Tricks or Treats on Halloween with Invisalign There’s no denying that Halloween brings a sense of vitality and excitement for children and their parents. Houses get decorated, kids pick out…
Now is the time to kiss your self-consciousness goodbye. When was the last time you flashed the largest grin to a passersby and felt confident about it? With Invisalign, the…
From hair and skin to clothes and jewelry, a person’s appearance is a constant trigger for snap judgments. Whether meeting a potential relationship or interviewing for a job, first impressions…
The mere thought of getting braces as a child can be a scary and confidence-diminishing event in their lives. What will my friends think? How will I look and how…
Are you hiding your smile behind closed lips? If so, your relationship in both work and at home, may suffer. Most people understand the importance of a brilliant smile and…
Successful cosmetic dentistry starts with tackling the underlying health issues. That’s why some of the best treatment plans are those that incorporate restorative and corrective solutions as well as cosmetic…
At the Centre for Invisible Orthodontics in Brickell, we get a number of questions from patients thinking about getting Invisalign. Check out some of the most common questions we get about clear braces then schedule your consultation with our Miami orthodontist today!
Most patients are aware of the importance of flossing. From removing embarrassing leftovers to preventing gum disease, flossing is one of the best preventive dental habits patients can actively engage…
Crooked teeth. They’re a reality that too many of our Miami patients face. They can make anyone feel self-conscious, forcing them to hide their smiles behind closed lips. And for…
If you’re like most people, you like to travel. One of the largest adversities that come along with Invisalign is keeping your treatments on schedule while traveling. However, with a…